How to Make Money with Google Adsense

What You'll Learn

Google Adsense is the world’s top online advertising network to earn money.

What is Adsense?

Google Adsense is an online advertising network. It helps publishers to make money by displaying their ads on websites, apps, and videos.

Adsense CPC (Cost Per Click) and CPM (Cost Per Mile or Impression) based company.

Adsense released on June 18, 2003. Here is the Google Adsense Official website.

How Adsense Works

  • Publisher place Adsense ad code into a webpage.
  • Each time a visitor/user visited that webpage, Adsense automatically display advertisements to Visitor.
  • Adsense automatically display best Ads on your site by Content, Country location, and Advertiser interest etc.
  • If a visitor clicks an Adsense ad on your website, You will get paid.
  • And you will also get paid for Every Ad impression, But CPC is better than CPM.

Ways to Make Money with Adsense

Earn Money by Website

The best way to make money with Google Adsense is by the website. You can easily earn money by display Adsense ads on your website.

If any visitor came across to your site and click any advertisement, you will be getting paid.

Earn Money by YouTube

You can also earn money by YouTube videos. Just create a channel and then create some awesome videos. After that apply to Adsense via YouTube.

Sign up for AdSense via YouTube

Earn Money by Android App

You can make a huge income with an Android app.  You can monetize your app with AdMob (Another Google Product).

How to Make Money with Apps

Earn Money by Games

Are you a game developer? You can monetize your game with Google Adsense.

RELATED:   Setup AdSense Auto Ads

Check out this Guide AdSense for Games

How much you can make money with Adsense?

It is not possible to estimate, how much money you will make with Adsense. The average CPC is $0.10 to $50 and more.

CPC depends upon mainly on Visitor location and Type of Content.

Example 1

Page views          = 1000

Total Ad Clicks  = 15

CTR                      = 1.5%

Average CPC      = $0.50

Your Income      = $7.5

Example 2

Page views          = 1000

Total Ad Clicks  = 20

CTR                      = 2%

Average CPC      = $0.20

Your Income      = $4

How to Get Adsense Approval

Nowadays it is very hard to get Adsense approval. You need to do a lot of work and follow a lot of rules.

Check out this guide How to Get Google Adsense Approval.

Best Adsense Alternatives

If your application rejected by Adsense, You can use any other ad network for monetizing your website. Here is Best Adsense Alternatives list.

2 thoughts on “How to Make Money with Google Adsense”

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