The nation of Lebanon is dynamic and cherishable. Unfortunately, this ancient land is having a terrible financial crisis. Below you will find out how you can make money online in Lebanon, and what skills you need to have to better prepare yourself for the online world. Given the current currency crisis, making money online in Lebanon has a unique opportunity. You can earn money in other currencies (often US dollars) which can help stabilize the value of what you make. There can be some challenges in getting the money back into a local bank, but this hassle is nothing compared to the current challenges of working locally in Lebanon.
You can earn money in other currencies (often US dollars)
Local Lebanon Versus The Online World
For starters, the culture in Lebanon is sensational. If you grew up in Lebanon, then you know the economy has a lot of local opportunities. However, working online is a little different because it reaches the rest of the world. You want to have a plan and surround yourself with like-minded individuals. You will need to consider your approach and your ability to adapt to change. Working online requires a learning curve that flourishes with development planning and learning. If you feel you are ready for a change and want to seek opportunities online, then preparing yourself is the first step.
There are people from around the world that want to get the same skills that you can offer. However, making yourself stand out and set apart is the next step. Create a profile that specializes in you and your skills. If you can stand out in a crowd, then you will automatically have more options to work online with the best positions. Once you are set up with a profile, portfolio, and resume, you then can begin seeking out opportunities that are available online.
Follow The Basic Steps Below To Work And Earn Money Online:
- Understand The Difference Between Online Work Versus Offline
- Build A Strong Portfolio With Online Tools And Resources (Upwork, Fiverr, LinkedIn..etc)
- Set Yourself Up A Payment Platform So You Can Get Paid For Your Work (Paypal, Stride, Strip..etc)
- Refine Your Skills And Increase Your Knowledge In Technology
- Find The Right Online Opportunity Or Platform To Apply For A Online Opportunity (Freelancer, People Per Hour, FlexJobs, Metabistro..etc)
- Use Resources Like WordPress, Online Guides, or AdSense To Increase Your Portfolio To Stand Out Above The Crowd
- Never Stop Learning, and Update Your Portfolio Often
What Are Some Unique Ways To Work Online In Lebanon?
Just like the rest of the world, Lebanon has access to online opportunities. If you’re looking for a unique opportunity to work online and make money online in Lebanon, you can look at a few of the following ideas that may fit your skills.

Language Translator Or A Virtual Assistant
Virtual assistants and translators have access to helping companies with a wide range of skills and processes. They are becoming more popular with higher corporate companies across the world. These desired positions for those who are first entering the online world. They require some technical skills and some customer service experience depending on the assistant opportunity. A virtual assistant is one of the more simple ways to earn money online. The growth opportunity as a virtual assistant is well-rounded. There are opportunities to make money online that also incorporate language translation that you can access anywhere on the globe.
Website Design and Development For Local Businesses
The economy in the online industry requires web design and development to implement a brand for any company. These skills can land you a high-end and productive position. Website design and development has a learning curve that can be taught through online instructions or e-learning processes. Examples of places where you can take these kinds of classes are Cudoo, BitDegree, and Experfy among others.
You can get a certificate for website design and development relatively easily online. Once you’ve got the knowledge and understanding of website design and development, you can start seeking opportunities to earn money online with the knowledge you’ve got. If you’re interested in seeking opportunities for website design and development, you can always speak to your local businesses. They need this work too. If they have opportunities for a website designer or developer and you can continue to influence your area while working with a more localized business. This is a great way to build skills and references.
Graphic Design
Graphic design is for those who love anything to do with art and imagery. You can find tons of positions that are looking for graphic designers. Learn the skills of taking an idea from paper to digital. Graphic designer positions have multiple options to choose from. They work with a diverse group of businesses. A graphic designer makes a decent annual income if they have the understanding and experience to support their skills. You can find multiple businesses looking for graphic designers with a short online search. If you’re open-minded to working with outside companies, a graphic designer is an opportunity that many companies need.
Consulting or Writing
You can easily make money online by consulting or writing. If you have a skill in which you thrive on helping other people, a consulting or writing opportunity may be the ideal fit for you. Consulting and writing opportunities fall under freelance, and there are some opportunities that you can find to make money online in Lebanon with larger companies that need to increase their traffic or online branding.
If you are interested in being a consultant or a writer online, you can take a few online courses to increase your grammatical skills or publication skills to make yourself stand out among all the other freelancers. Writing or consulting is one opportunity online that anyone from around the world can get into. However, standing out and being one of the best in your area will give you more positions and clients to earn more money online.
There are a number of platforms where you can make a successful consulting practice. Platforms like Upwork offer a worldwide marketplace for skills. Not just for consulting or writing but also for web design and graphic design. You can also check out Fiverr and Freelancer. If you want a marketplace just for writing or translating documents, TextBrokers is a great site to look at.
We have written a guide to getting started on Upwork. This will help you get started in the most efficient way possible. One of the benefits is that you can earn money on Upwork in US dollars which is a big benefit to Lebanese right now. This will help your earnings to maintain its value. We cover how you can transfer money from Upwork in our comprehensive guide to Upwork.
Sell Your Own Products
You can make money online in Lebanon, or anywhere, selling your own products. These products can be anything from physical products to digital products like e-Books, newsletters, or courses. The options are almost limitless. You can sell products on your own website using WooCommerce and WordPress, which can be done very cheaply, often just for hosting costs. You can also set-up a store on a site like Shopify or BigCommerce, These cost a bit more but can often be done with less set-up.
If selling the products on your own isn’t for you, you can actually use Fulfillment by Amazon to have Amazon sell, ship, and provide customer service for your products. You won’t make as much money but you can actually sell to larger countries, with more customers.
Does It Require Certain Skills To Work Online In Lebanon?
The skills that it takes to work online are based on what you’re looking to do. If you are looking to become a graphic designer or web developer, then you need to increase your technical skills to fit in with the opportunity. The online world changes constantly, and so do the opportunities. But finding options to work and make money online is continuously expanding because of the demand.
If you want to work online, you need to make sure that you were comfortable with change and can adapt to different environments that online work requires. And you also need to better prepare yourself by continuously increasing your knowledge for the position that you’re seeking. Working online is very similar to working in a local environment. As long as you’re able to adjust and change with the flow of society through the online world, then you will have more hindsight to flourishing in the online industry and increasing your ability to make more money online.
Make Money Online in Lebanon
Overall, you can work online by creating a strong and smart portfolio to boost your skill sets. You can find online platforms that can teach you unique skills and allow you to show off your experience to give you access to more online opportunities. Once you have yourself prepared for the online world, and you have a strong portfolio and resume, you can easily find the online opportunities available.
Your resume and portfolio will speak loudly about you as a person and will set you apart from other individuals seeking to look out for the same opportunities to work and make money online. Set yourself apart, create a strong portfolio, and apply to multiple positions in areas that interest you, and continuously increase your knowledge on the position that you want and you will earn more money and have more opportunities to work online in Lebanon.