Keyword Research – The Beginners Guide to SEO

What You'll Learn

From the SEO point of view Keyword Research plays very important role. If you publish any content without Keyword Research, You may lose some traffic.

So do Keyword Research before publishing any content.



Why Need to Do Keyword Research

9 out of 10 people use search engines to look out for the information they need. Google search engine has over 100 billion search queries per month, For everything from “Make money online” to “Keyword research guide”.

So if you want to shows your website for these search queries (Of course, you can rank for you own category search queries also), Your site to be optimized for those keywords.



Keyword Research Tools

There are free and paid Keyword Research Tools available. Here are best websites for Research keywords.



How to Do Keyword Research

You can do Keyword Research with Google Keyword Planner. Signup with your gmail account.

Then, enter your keyword.

For example, I am searching for “How to do keyword research”. Then, click on Get ideas.

Keyword Research on Google Keyword Planner


You you are seeing results for your keyword. Now, Pick your best keyword for your post.

Now I taking “keyword research” word, Because it is related to my keyword and high monthly volume.


Sample search on Google keyword planner





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