5 Simple Ways to Get Media.net Approval

What You'll Learn

Are you rejected by Media.net? Or Not getting Media net approval?


Because, Media net is different from any other ad networks. So read below post carefully step by step. If you follow below simple tips and tricks, You can easily get approval.

Comment your problems and experience with media net (Yahoo and Bing publisher network).

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Check List for Getting Media.net Approval

  • Get Minimum Traffic
  • Create Quality Content
  • Create minimum 20 to 25 posts
  • Create Contact Us and About Us page
  • Create Privacy Policy page
  • Good Site Design

Note: Added one important point, At the end of the post. Please read and Comment.

Things to Do before Apply to Media Net

Get Minimum Traffic

There is no minimum traffic requirement for media net approval. But you need some decent amount of traffic from search engines.

So you need to build some traffic before apply to any online adverting company.

Create Quality Content

Quality is very important than Quantity. So you must create Quality content.

Create minimum 20 to 25 posts

Create above 20 posts to get good amount of traffic. There is no minimum traffic requirement, So publish quality content as much as possible.

Create Contact Us and About Us page

Now a days it is very important to create About Us and Contact us page.

Write clearly about you and what is your site all about. Write long description as much as possible.

Place contact form in Contact Us page. The Visitor needs to contact very easily.

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Create Privacy Policy page

Good website must have Privacy policy page. It is not for getting approval, It will improve domain trust.

Good Site Design

No one return to your website, If your site has ugly design. So try to create beautiful website.

Remove All ad codes (Very Important)

It is very important point to get media net approval.

Remove all advertising companies Ad codes before apply to media net (Also called as Yahoo and Bing publisher network).

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