Installing WordPress

How to Install WordPress in C-Panel – Step by Step Guide

What You'll Learn

It’s very easy to install WordPress on C-Panel. C-Panel is a common software system that comes with many hosts.  It sometimes looks a bit different. For example, Siteground has incorporated most of the C-Panel information into its hosting to make it easier to use.  That’s one of the reasons that they are one of our top recommendations. C-Panel is nice because it is consistent and works really well. Unfortunately, each host makes some customizations, so it may look a little bit different on your host.

Getting Started on How to Install WordPress in C-Panel

Before you get started, it will help to know the name of your WordPress. The installation will ask you for that and your email when it installs WordPress on C-Panel.

Log Into C-Panel

First, you need to log into your C-Panel. You can directly login to your Cpanel account.  This varies a little bit by your host.  You can almost always get to it by logging into your host.  Another common way to get to C-Panel is to go to your domain followed by :2083, so it would be  

Go to Installation

CPanel App Installation
A2 Hosting CPanel App Installer

Click on the WordPress icon.

Installing WordPress on Siteground
Siteground has One Step WordPress Installation

In Siteground, there is a menu item to install WordPress. This simplicity is one of the things that we like about Siteground for new webmasters.

Select Install This Application

WordPress installation

Then click on Install this application option.

Fill the All Fields

Fill in all the details. Then you’ll be all set. Don’t worry, any of the settings can be changed later on, so you’re not locked into them.

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C-Panel can look pretty intimidating but overall, it’s pretty straightforward to install WordPress. Most hosts have a tutorial if you need it. We like the simplicity for Siteground.

1 thought on “How to Install WordPress in C-Panel – Step by Step Guide”

  1. Many many thanks for this awesome post . Really this post helped me a lot .
    This system is worked with out any problem .
    Waiting for next post.

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